What if your messiness holds the keys to your liberation?
Most of us don’t like the connotations of the word messy. It might make us think of compulsive hoarders, stained clothing, or a number of other things that don’t exactly make us want to embrace it with open arms.
Messiness is different for everyone, but when it comes down to it, it’s about letting go of control.
So naturally, our resistance to our mess comes from our need to exert control over the circumstances of our lives. This is a normal desire, but sometimes it can send us overboard into the habit of keeping up appearances and ensuring that everything is in its place, even if the world around us is falling apart.
Our desire for control comes from our need to feel safe, but when we allow the façade to crumble somewhat, we are able to discover new aspects of ourselves. When we aren’t so busy controlling absolutely everything in our lives (and, ironically, for some people, the messy house or hoarding habit is their form of control), our brilliance rises up naturally to the surface and surprises us with its beauty.
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