What if your messy brilliance lived on the other side of your fears?
I remember reading two acronyms for the word fear: Forget Everything and Run, or, Face Everything and Rise.
I know I’ve done both throughout my life, but these days, I’m so much more interested in doing the latter and diving in. So when experiences of fear come up, I use them as opportunities to see what I’m made of. Instead of avoiding the issue, I ask how I can face it while exercising the utmost compassion for myself.
This doesn’t mean that I’ll get it right or hit it out of the ballpark every time; it just means that I allow my fear to be one of the things that helps me to open my heart and be courageous. I also try to be compassionate about my fears and to consider how I can shift rigid patterns that keep me feeling stuck. When I approach fear with the understanding that it’s one of the most important gatekeepers to my greatness, I actually address it with eagerness and sometimes even excitement…because I know that something beautiful lives right in the midst of my fear: my messy brilliance.
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